Support Ticket System Usability Updates We made changes to the way the support tickets that you submit are previewed. Now, when you create a ticket, you’ll see a preview of the identical ticket in your messages center before you click to view it. Also, the Transaction Inquiry form has been improved and now includes new questions to serve you faster! Stay tuned for more updates.
Price Comparison Widget Update – New Color Customization We’ve made the Price Comparison Widget color palette customizable and created the ability to add up to five sub-tracking IDs to the widget tracking links! new feature allows publishers to customize the top header color, font color, and the “buy now” button color on the Comparison Widget page. Users will see this option appear once they have selected products for “add to widget”, clicked on the Widget Basket, and then clicked “create compare widget”. To add sub-tracking IDs, you will need to populate the sub ID boxes. The widget code will then update automatically. For more details on how to use the Price Comparison Widget, please visit.
Price Comparison Widget Update – New Color Customization We’ve made the Price Comparison Widget color palette customizable and created the ability to add up to five sub-tracking IDs to the widget tracking links! new feature allows publishers to customize the top header color, font color, and the “buy now” button color on the Comparison Widget page. Users will see this option appear once they have selected products for “add to widget”, clicked on the Widget Basket, and then clicked “create compare widget”. To add sub-tracking IDs, you will need to populate the sub ID boxes. The widget code will then update automatically. For more details on how to use the Price Comparison Widget, please visit.