Product Data Feeds – Price Comparison Widget
Our Price Comparison Widget is now live!
This new feature allows publishers to search through hundreds of products by matching the UPC (Universal Product Number) across all approved advertisers on their account.
First, begin your product search here: https://publisherpro.flexoffers.com/Products
Under Product Search, select the advertiser, catalog, and/or category name. Next, click the search button.
Readers can compare the product prices shown and the options of where to buy the items in real-time!
For more details on how to use this feature, please visit https://supportpro.flexoffers.com/price-comparison-widget/.

Support Ticketing Page Update
An error message that appeared for some publishers when using the Support page has been removed. We’ve also updated the support ticketing system to included receipt of requests, and publishers will receive an email once their ticket is submitted. Please be sure to use the support ticketing system if you are requesting customer assistance, inquiring about our services, or reporting issues regarding your account. https://publisherpro.flexoffers.com/Support
Also, be sure to check out our support site for articles that may provide a solution to your request(s). https://supportpro.flexoffers.com/
Various Bug Fixes
- Map Details Section
A loading error that occurred in the Map Details section of the Reports page has been removed. Visit this page to view location statistics and additional profile information for users who click on your links.
- Links and Promotions
We noticed an issue with promotions not updating for several advertisers.Please note that this has been resolved. See our Links page and Data Feeds for all current promotional offers.