We have updated the Message Center to provide enhanced filtering options for program updates, along with a new search box to easily find specific messages. Users will only see messages about the domains they have access to, ensuring that all users receive the most relevant information.
API available to customize the fields in the Product Feeds
A new API endpoint called /products/ApplyCustomSubscriptions has been published where you can customize the fields you want to make available via your Product Data Feed files. In the API documentation, we indicate the CustomHeaders you can pass to create the subscription. Once the custom subscription is saved, our system will apply the filtering on the following run. Fields like AdvertiserId, Pid, Name, and LinkUrl are mandatory, the rest are optional.
Product Widget Bug Fix
Our Product Widgets were having issues rendering on publisher’s websites, it was previously hosted on our publisherpro.flexoffers.com domain instead of our external domain content.flexlinks.com. This issue has been resolved and the widgets will render properly on any website.