Each New Year brings new resolutions, one of the most popular recurring ones being the promise to quit smoking. Not only is it proven to cause cancer and multiple other life-threatening illnesses, smoking has the potential to shorten the amount of time your readers ultimately share with their loved ones.
Help your audience members kick the habit with these anti-smoking aids sold via FlexOffers.com!
Vape Life
You don’t have to be a Jedi to know that these death sticks can be incredibly detrimental to your well-being. Many companies have come to that conclusion themselves, and are offering tobacco-free alternatives that do their best to hit the spot.
Electronic cigarettes by Vaporin look & taste like a real cigarette, and come in ready-to-go kits for people living fast lives. Each kit includes a USB charger and two cartridge cartomizers, so smokers trying to reform will always be ready to take a drag when the cravings hit. The Breazy affiliate program sells e-cig starter kits your readers can afford, granting them 10% off their first order with code FIRSTTIME. They get all the flavor without the smell, at a lower cost, and with no tar. Plus, each starter kit comes with three 10ml juices– a value that should not be ignored considering the high prices of a single pack of smokes today. Similarly, VistaVapors is offering one free bottle of E-Juice in a variety of flavors; your patrons just pay $1.99 shipping and it’s theirs.
Breaking the Habit
Sometimes the very act of bringing a vaporizer or e-cig to one’s lips can cause a lapse in judgment. Thankfully, there are multiple methods of altering the very muscle memory that coincides with lighting up.
Customers can start their New Year’s resolution today at Walgreens, where they can save $10 on Nicoderm CQ Smoking Cessation Aid- Step 1 patches (just $39.99). The Wal-Mart.com USA, LLC affiliate program is helping people quit by offering NatraBio 531871 Stop-It Smoking Anti-Craving 36 Lozenges for just $14.95. Either option is a discreet alternative to carrying around a vaporizer that can be used in public places without the unnecessary opinions and crude looks from others ruining an otherwise amazing day.
Rather than replacing cigarettes with another form of nicotine, some people can overcome smoking by consuming something else altogether. One such alternative that can be used in this form of Pavlovian conditioning is tea, which is also as warm and soothing as a deep drag. At Teavana.com, you can save $5 off all orders of $35 or more with the promo code 5OFFTEA (valid 01/01/2015 – 01/31/2015, cannot be combined with other offers, excludes Breville and Oprah Chai).
Each cigarette your web visitors give up grants them extra time on this planet, and you should relish the opportunity to help them get healthy. Promote these smoke-free products and others today on the FlexOffers.com network!