If you think that promoting credit cards should only be relegated to websites containing strictly financial content, your head isn’t in the game. Sure, landing pages with credit card banner ads advocating smart spending to anyone from college students to retirees have the potential to generate quite a few clicks, but there is an activity that all of those demographics enjoy together on a regular basis: sports spectating.
Sports fandom knows no social, economic or age boundaries, and appealing to an audience that vast and influential should be a welcome strategy to any affiliate marketer trying to reach more site visitors.
Promoting Credit Cards to Sports Fans – The X’s and O’s
Think of a boisterous crowd surrounding a football field or pitch, depending on your definition of football. Within that living mass of pride and glory are potentially millions of clicks that could send your site’s performance numbers skyrocketing. Most of those fans had to buy tickets to join their fellow fans in the crowd that day, and probably purchased team memorabilia before or upon arriving at the stadium.
If they arrived at the stadium the morning of the match, there’s a good chance they purchased snacks and drinks for tailgating, and even picked up a few things at the concession stand. All of those points of sale mean that YOUR site visitors are sports fans AND credit card consumers at the same time.
For sports fans attending with friends or family, the spending potential multiplies exponentially because no one wants to feel left out when everyone else is wearing their favorite team’s colors. Hundreds to thousands of dollars can be spent by fans attending a single game, and unless they have a wad of cash on hand (who honestly does nowadays), they’ll need the right credit card to help them make the most of their purchases.
Achieving Game Day Glory
The opportunity for appealing to a sports fan occurs way before face or body painting of any kind takes place. By promoting credit cards on a sports blog or website, you can be directly influencing the method by which memorabilia and other related merchandise is purchased. Did you post a great recipe on your website for a mixed drink or a 7-layer dip for a sports-watching party? Place a credit card banner on the page with corresponding purchase rewards to help justify those extra calories and dollars spent.
Every fan who spends even a cent to transform a living room or back yard into a lively sports celebration is another member of a captive online audience you can use to achieve your own victories. As such, every die-hard sports hooligan who absolutely must own an official team jersey and attend every game is also an opportunity for you to capitalize on their credit card purchases by marketing credit cards to them before they even get to the stadium.
Sports fans can become a little obsessive at times, but with that comes loyalty to their team, their friends, and the lifelong traditions that develop from watching athletes play games they enjoyed as children. Reach out to this diverse group of individuals with properly-placed credit card banners on your site, and you will find that your readership’s willingness to spend money in order to have a great time at the game is almost as vast as their affinity for their team.