Zeropark Commerce Media, ZeroparkFlexOffers is excited to partner with Zeropark Commerce Media, leveraging Zeropark’s expertise to enhance campaign performance and drive meaningful results for our network partners.

Running brand campaigns is not the easiest job in the world. Especially if you, as a publisher, seek to scale the operations amidst industry challenges such as declining clicks, going cookieless, and changing user engagement patterns.

Finding ways around it and fostering growth is demanding and crucial, but it also needs to be done consistently and safely to maintain good relationships with advertisers. As the competition intensifies, it’s vital (for any expert in the field) to stay ahead with smart, data-driven strategies and reliable traffic sources.

With advanced targeting options, real-time bidding, and an extensive network of publishers, Zeropark is publishers’ most valuable asset in the ever-evolving affiliate marketing industry.  Its commitment to delivering advertising and monetization solutions for brands and businesses makes it the ideal partner to reach highly engaged audiences and drive conversions.

What is the Zeropark platform for CPC campaigns?

Zeropark is performance, data transparency, and freedom of choosing ad placements. Without extra or hidden fees, but with a platform that is easy to navigate.

Zeropark provides a platform for publishers who want to efficiently ramp up their campaigns. By tapping into an extensive network of globally renowned media and sites, you may have access to the tools and placements you need to handle industry changes while enhancing performance and conversions.

The numbers speak for themselves. Partnering with Zeropark Commerce Media means:

  • Increase conversion rates by 8% or more
  • More than 140 Million of monthly available revenue
  • Access to more than 220 available countries and territories
  • Be part of the growing number of successful publishers aligned with Zeropark

With the right targeting, transparent ad placement choice, and full campaign customizability, you can craft a one-of-a-kind campaign that converts.

zeropark, zeropark commerce media, flexoffers partnerships

“For the past five years, Zeropark has been essential to our media buying strategy, driving a 150% increase in our e-commerce revenue. The exceptional account management team consistently fuels our sustained growth and success.” – Bigger Picture Solution, a Media Buying Agency

In the case study below, you will learn how Zeropark can assist partners of various levels of competence in achieving amazing campaign outcomes.

Zeropark Commerce Media 2023 Black Friday Campaign Case Study

A publisher with a Calvin Klein offer launched their Commerce Media and Deeplink campaign during Black Friday/Cyber Monday weekend with Zeropark to scale its sales across the US market.

  • The first step was to identify the pain points within the campaign:
    • Specific Base of Consumers
    • High Interest from users who can’t complete purchases
    • Finding visibility in correct placements
    • Challenging competition
  • Then, it was time to set specific goals for the campaign:
    • Obtaining high ROAS and driving sales to the brand
    • Optimizing eCPA
    • Reaching ICPs
    • Finding the best-performing placements
  • Zeropark solutions to create a successful campaign:
    • Launching campaigns only on chosen placement segments to maximize performance
    • Reaching clients at the correct stage of their purchase journey by choosing the right media and websites available in Zeropark
    • Optimizing and controlling bids on a granular level (instead of a campaign level)
  • The Results within a 7-day period:
    • 20,870 total visits from verified users
    • 6.55% Conversion Rates throughout the campaign
    • 1,890 conversions (completed purchases)
    • $96.06 average order value

Zeropark Commerce Media 2023 Black Friday Campaign Case Study Zeropark Commerce Media 2023 Black Friday Campaign Case Study

Optimizing ad placements and identifying ad formats that add maximum value to the brand offer were crucial to this achievement. In order to increase conversions, attract more relevant visitors, and discover which Commerce Media segments convert the best, the publisher was able to make the most of the busy shopping season!

Zeropark can significantly elevate affiliate marketers’ campaigns by providing a robust platform for traffic acquisition and optimization. By leveraging Zero[ark’s data-driven insights and performance tracking tools, marketers can refine their strategies, maximize ROI, and achieve sustainable growth in their affiliate marketing endeavors.

Scale your campaigns with Zeropark Commerce Media and drive performance to your operations!