The My Credit Monitor affiliate program leads your site patrons to, where they can receive a comprehensive credit report and score to better inform them about their financial standing. Whether it’s in preparation for a big purchase or loan application, or simply for conducting a semiannual checkup, this service grants transparency, assistance, and privacy.
This affiliate program ideally benefits anyone who desires to view, improve, and monitor their credit rating.
My Credit Tracker Affiliate Program Benefits:
• Commissionable Conscientiousness – Earn commissions when a customer completes an online application form at
• Complimentary Creative – Highlighting the gratuitous nature of the credit report
• Talk to Me – Users can choose to have alerts sent to them via email or text message
How Can This Benefit You?
In a world where a respectable credit score is one of the most important tools an upstanding member of society can arm him- or herself with, promoting the My Credit Monitor affiliate program is always a win-win. In addition to the ever-important personal report your audience will receive, the good folks at My Credit Monitor also provide guidance and tips on how to improve their standing and either take themselves out of the red or further into the green. In addition, the service will exercise 24/7 monitoring and sound the alarm should any significant changes occur.
Uh Uh Uh! You Didn’t Say the Magic Word!
When it comes to information this sensitive, protection and confidentiality are paramount. My Credit Monitor will show users who has made searches on their credit profile and also spot potentially fraudulent activity.
Sign up with to learn more about the My Credit Monitor affiliate program today!
*Please note we are not currently offering this affiliate program in our system, but similar programs in this category can still be found at