The affiliate program can help connect your web visitors with other like-minded, faith-driven folk on For well over a decade, they have helped bring Catholics together for friendships and lasting relationships with custom compatibility tests, a robust community, and more.
This program is ideally geared towards Catholic audiences seeking significant others who share in their faith and beliefs. Affiliate Program Benefits:
• Commissionable Communication – Earn commissions on valid free membership signups or valid sales on
• Hopeful Marketing Material – Showcasing positive possibilities for patrons who frequent their site
• Stat Specific – Search for significant others based on parameters like physical appearance and location
How Can You Benefit From This?
Your audience members may find it challenging to meet others who share in their religious beliefs when wading through the dating pool, but the affiliate program can help narrow down that search. Users can create and customize their profile for free, then start chatting with thousands of others whom they know share at least one major facet in their life. itself offers live chat rooms, private email accounts, advice from Catholic religious leaders, and other useful features to help facilitate a fruitful future.
Success Stories
There are more than just a few people who have formed a prosperous relationship with others after meeting on Faith, friendship, and ultimately love has resulted in scores of stories from couples who have found their soul mate using this platform.
Sign up with to learn more about the affiliate program today!
*Please note we are not currently offering this affiliate program in our system, but similar programs in this category can still be found at