The BookRenter Affiliate Program makes it easy for students to rent or buy required reading materials while at the same time keeping plenty of dough in their pockets via With the potential to save up to 90% off retail sticker prices, this site allows consumers to learn firsthand about smart money management – even if they’re not economy majors.

This affiliate program is best directed to university attendees who struggle to afford classroom textbooks worth an entire month’s rent, and who wish to find a cheaper alternative.

BookRenter Affiliate Program Program Benefits:
Commissionable Chemistry Tomes – Earn commissions when a customer completes a purchase with valid payment at
Lighthearted Marketing Material – Featuring the site’s mascot, Tikiman
Survey Says… – Users can easily view the most popular and most rented titles

How Can This Benefit You?
When in college, money is a precious commodity, especially for bare necessities – like beer. With the BookRenter affiliate program, however, your audience can keep more than a few bucks in their wallets, as the easily navigable site gives them access to the same texts found in traditional campus bookstores at deeply discounted prices. What’s more, returning the books is as easy as opening them, leaving out unnecessary hassles and guesswork for already mentally-drained scholars.

Duly Noted
With the BookRenter affiliate program, your site patrons are free to scribble and highlight all over their books’ pages, so they can fill margins with useful tidbits and reminders. Such a privilege can truly come in handy, especially when searching for a specific passage in a 700-page Romantic novel come test time.

Sign up with to learn more about the BookRenter Affiliate Program today!

*Please note we are not currently offering this affiliate program in our system, but similar programs in this category can still be found at

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