



Program Status

Payout Description

The payout is 8% of sales.

EPC Stats

90 Days: 

30 Days: 

7 Days: 




90 Days:


30 Days:

7 Days:

Baobab Collection USA Affiliate Program

A pioneer in the creation of large candles with several wicks, Baobab Collection continues to enrich its offer, always seeking to imagine refined objects whose sophisticated fragrances are thought of as skin perfumes. This program offers a 14-day cookie duration.

The Baobab Collection USA affiliate program directs users to a brand creating candles, home scents, and scented body products. Baobab is a pioneer in the creation of large candles with several wicks, and continues to imagine refined objects whose sophisticated fragrances are thought of as skin perfumes. This program offers a 14-day cookie duration.

Sign up with to learn more about the Baobab Collection USA affiliate program today!

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Promote these programs and similar ones on your website today. Register online, it’s 100% free to join.

Do you have a business for our publishers to promote? Then become an advertiser today, it’s easy to get started.