While many of us will be scrambling to prepare our best dishes during the holidays, FlexOffers provides publishers timely solutions that effectively prepare them for a fruitful Q4. Be sure to follow FlexOffers’ three-step recipe for Q4 success, for imminent publisher prosperity through the holiday months – and beyond.
1. Prep for Profit
Just as food prep is paramount to the creation of an epic holiday feast, aggregating advertising data is equally important to devising an effective Q4 plan. Thankfully, FlexOffers’ Publisher Pro application contains information publishers can use to optimize their growth. Publisher Pro’s interface delivers an appraisal of affiliate marketing performance. Its filtering options also affords users the opportunity to monitor the ebbs and flows of each advertisers’ yearly profitability, relative to their seasonal earnings.
To retrieve Reports, login to PublisherPro.FlexOffers.com and click the “Reports” tab to peruse and analyze a myriad valuable reports that lend itself to a triumphant Q4
• See the Big Picture – Examine your website’s performance details such as clicks, Earnings Per Click (EPC), transactions, conversion rates, and commissions, which can all be filtered by specific date ranges. You can also review a graph of your website trends over time for clicks, item sales, and revenue, plus get a quick overview of your top-five advertisers.
• Achieve Peak Performance – Through this reporting section, you can delve into commission data, clicks, and sales trends. Also, you can see your performance results by Link Type, Advertiser, and Geolocation. You can also download the results into a CSV file, by clicking on the “Export” button.
• Detailed Reports – This is where you receive an analysis of your affiliate marketing performance. Filtering options are available to show results by Category, Advertiser, Product, and Campaign. Your reports can also be organized by specific date ranges for a complete analysis of your website activity and revenue.
2. Fresh Rate Card
Continued health and vitality are outcomes commonly associated with cooking, and subsequently consuming fresh foods. You can also experience similar benefits during Q4 by keeping your rate card fresh and up to date. With an updated media kit, you’ll be privy to expedited placement opportunities with our network of reputable advertisers. Rate cards typically contain your latest traffic numbers, information, and pricing, that perennially facilitates a bevy of rewarding publisher-advertiser relationships. However, much like the store-bought dish that gets passed over in favor of a fresh, home-cooked entrée during the holidays, advertisers will likely opt for a fresh rate card. Moral of the story: Don’t be a store-bought dish.
Send an updated media kit to your account manager or forward it to [email protected].
3. Setting the Table
Publishers attempting to maximize Q4 success without access to an advertiser’s top promotions and links is akin to foodies attempting to enjoy a holiday meal without the proper utensils. Through Publisher Pro’s tools and widgets, our publishers needn’t even briefly entertain the affiliate marketing equivalent of eating with their hands. Publisher Pro helps users unearth featured advertisers and exclusive offers that perfectly suit their audience. This platform is also capable of bolstering conversion rates with the relative ease and convenience of picking up a fork or spoon to consume your favorite seasonal foods.
Additional Publisher Pro Applications:
• Product Search – This feature allows you to search individual products for all your approved advertisers and gives you the option to copy the link or create a widget to display on your site with the most current product offerings.
• Deep Linking – By utilizing this section of Publisher pro, you’ll be permitted to promote a specific product from a specific advertiser that you have been approved for.