When you think about it, keeping track of an entire family is a full-time job that mothers around the world don’t often get enough credit for. Your readers can show their appreciation this Mother’s Day by purchasing the Bluetooth trackers sold through the Tile affiliate program, which can help mom keep tabs on everything and everyone she holds dear.
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Never lose anything again, save up to 30% on Tile 4-Packs
Between picking up the kids from soccer practice and running a boardroom, there are lots of instances throughout the day in which a mom can accidentally lose track of important items like her wallet and smartphone. Cue the tiny yet durable Bluetooth tracking devices sold at thetileapp.com, which utilize the aforementioned (free!) Tile app to help users find the goods they’ve attacked their Tiles to.
Should an everyday tote bag get forgotten in the gym locker room or at the café your patrons frequented for lunch, for instance, they’d be able to find it using the map and intuitive interface of the Tile app on their smartphone. Once tagged as being lost, other Tile app users are used to triangulate the last known location of said valuable. After that, it’s just a matter of physically backtracking to the location to be reunited with your lost object.
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Tile Slim – now starting at $25 for a limited time only
Even though Father’s Day is still more than a month away, purchasing a Tile 8-pack now and saving half of the trackers for dear old dad is a smart shopping option. It’s also great way for your audience members to ensure that both of their parents will be able to locate their keys, phones, and any other lost items throughout the house and beyond with ease.
Dads who consider themselves to be amateur hunters or fishermen will definitely lose something important on one of their trips; it’s just a matter of time. If they had had a Tile attached to their keyring, they would have been able to find them wedged between a few wooden floorboards of the marina dock rather than spending hours rummaging through every boat compartment imaginable. If that sounds like a very specific situation, it is, because that’s the exact reason I purchased a Tile 8-pack myself this past year. Practical and useful, my family members can’t get enough out of them, and neither will anyone who clicks through the links you post on your landing page.